About Our Church

Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
The First Congregational Church of Raynham, UCC, better known as the Stone Church, was founded in 1731. We can be reached at: stonechurchraynham@gmail.com 508-822-6177 We are located at 785 South Main St., which is Route 104 in Raynham. We are at the corner with the flashing light. Sunday Worship Services are held at 9:30 AM.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Music at the Stone Church

Music has always been an important part of worship and the life of the church. So it's not a surprise that music is a very important part of the life of the First Congregational Church of Raynham. Our congregation loves to sing, accompanied by Mike Conrad on the organ, who also accompanies our choirs.

We have three choirs at First Congregational Church:

The Senior Choir, an adult choir, performs most Sundays and also performs a cantata at Christmas time and on Palm Sunday. This choir is directed by Carolyn Conrad.

The Stone Church Ringers, our bell choir, adds beauty to our worship about once a month. This talented group has given several special concerts and is also directed by Carolyn Conrad.

The Junior Choir, our children's choir, sings once about once a month from September through May under the direction of Judy Niles.

During the Advent Season we present special musical events on Sunday evenings.

One of the musical highlights of the year is the Stone Church Summer Concert Series. These concerts, held on Wednesday evenings, feature eclectic musical presentations that range from classical to jazz and folk. These concerts are supported in part by a grant from the Raynham Cultural Council and the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

You can hear our Senior Choir singing the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah from December 2008:
  • Hallelujah Chorus

  • Here is a recording of the Stone Ringers playing "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" from December 2008:
  • All Hail the Power

  • You can listen to the Stone Ringers playing Friendly Beasts on our new hand chimes Dec. 13, 2009:
  • Friendly Beasts

  • Christmas Cantata 2009
    After being snowed out on Dec. 20, The First Congregational Church Choir presented Joseph Martin's Christmas Cantata "The Mystery and the Majesty" on Dec. 27.
    You can listen to one of the songs from the Cantata here:
  • Advent Jubilation

  • For Holy Week 2010 the Senior Choir presented Pepper Choplin's cantata "We Were There." You can hear an excerpt here:
  • We Were There

  • Come to our 9:30 AM Sunday worship and enjoy the music!