Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Welcome to the Stone Church blog!

Who Are We?
First, we are Christians. We believe that God’s love for us is most clearly shown in Jesus Christ our savior. We remember his sacrificial death on the cross and celebrate his resurrection from the dead. We affirm the Trinity. We believe in the God of creation, that God came among us in Jesus Christ, and that God’s presence is still among us in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Second, we are Protestants. We believe in the central place of scripture for our faith and practice. We look to scripture prayerfully and thoughtfully, interpreting the ancient texts for today’s challenges.

Third, we are from the Congregational tradition. We believe that God speaks to all of us, if we choose to listen. That means that each person should have a voice in the life of the church. The decisions of the church are not made by a hierarchy, but by the people. The policies of the church are formed by meetings of the church members and by the committees of the church, which include the Deacons, the Trustees, the Christian Education Committee, the Mission and Outreach Committee, and the Church Council.

Fourth, we are a diverse people. We come from varied backgrounds. We also have different religious roots. There is strength in our diversity as we serve together.


Our Sunday morning worship is held at 9:30 AM year-round. The sacrament of Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. Our Communion Table is open to all that seek to follow Jesus. We receive Communion by the intinction method, in which each worshiper dips a piece of the bread into the cup and consumes both together. Special worship services are held for Maundy Thursday, Easter Sunrise and Christmas Eve.

On Sunday mornings, families begin by worshipping together in our sanctuary. After the Children’s Story the children are dismissed to their Sunday School classes. Nursery care is available during Sunday morning worship services.

Baptisms are usually held during the Sunday morning worship service.